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Mercados emergentes: las acciones reales suben en Brasil por las apuestas al alza de las tasas de interés, las acciones superan

Mercados emergentes: las acciones reales suben en Brasil por las apuestas al alza de las tasas de interés, las acciones superan

    * Rate hike of at least 100 bps expected in Brazil
    * Peru's sol falls as copper mine protests spread
    * Brazil stocks propped up by strong earnings 

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    By Susan Mathew and Ambar Warrick
    Oct 27 (Reuters) - Brazil's real edged higher on growing
bets the country's central bank would announce a
larger-than-expected interest rate hike on Wednesday, while
stocks in Latin America's largest economy outpaced their
regional peers on a strong batch of earnings.
    Most other Latin American currencies were flat to lower as
concerns over U.S.-China tensions weighed, particularly after
the U.S. Federal Communications Commission voted to revoke
authorization for China Telecom's U.S. subsidiary to
operate in the country.
    Latin American stocks tumbled on the news, tracking losses
in global equities. But Brazil's Bovespa rose 0.8%. 
    Shares of Banco Inter SA rose 1.3% after the
Brazilian digital bank reported a third-quarter profit, while
Banco Santander Brasil SA added 0.4% after its
profit jumped 12.5%.
    The real gained 0.1% as expectations of a bumper
interest rate hike were tempered by rising worries about the
government breaching its spending cap, as well as surging
    Analysts speculated that the central bank may hike its key
interest rate by more than the 100 basis points expected in a
Reuters poll. 
    "We expect (Brazil's central bank) to make a more aggressive
policy rate adjustment by hiking rates by 150bps, aimed at
containing inflation expectations and stabilizing BRL. There is
some risk of an even more aggressive move," said Sacha Tihanyi,
head of emerging markets strategy at TD Securities. 
    "The risk to BRL is skewed to the downside. We believe that
a 150bp rate hike, with a commitment of another equivalent hike
at the December meeting, will be required to bolster BRL."
    But market experts have warned that the aggressive pace of
hikes - 425 basis points already so far this year - could
squeeze growth in Brazil. 
    Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro continues to face
political headwinds ahead of elections next year, with
deteriorating approval ratings, ongoing corruption scandals, and
potential criminal charges over his alleged mishandling of the
COVID-19 pandemic.
    Peru's sol recovered from early losses, rising 0.1%
after Prime Minister Mirtha Vasquez said that MMG Ltd's
 Las Bambas mine will begin transferring tax funds in
2022 to the Apurimac region where its operations take place, a
key demand from residents who have been protesting against the
    Vasquez's comments helped ease some concerns over supply
disruptions at the mine, which is one of the largest copper
producers in the country. 
    Recent protests at copper mines across Peru have raised
concerns over the supply of the red metal, which is the
country's largest export.

     Key Latin American stock indexes and currencies:
                              Latest      Daily % change
 MSCI Emerging Markets         1283.72                -0.95
 MSCI LatAm                    2182.07                 -0.2
 Brazil Bovespa              107239.47                 0.77
 Mexico IPC                   51767.05                -0.84
 Chile IPSA                    4116.60                -3.05
 Argentina MerVal             86590.32               -2.607
 Colombia COLCAP               1403.56                -0.69 Currencies             Latest      Daily % change
 Brazil real                    5.5670                 0.08
 Mexico peso                   20.2819                -0.40
 Chile peso                     805.08                -0.17
 Colombia peso                 3756.53                 0.26
 Peru sol                       3.9693                 0.14
 Argentina peso                99.6400                -0.08
 (Reporting by Susan Mathew in Bengaluru
Editing by Paul Simao)