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Mercados emergentes: el peso chileno rebota a medida que aumentan los precios del cobre;  Peso mexicano respaldado con datos

Mercados emergentes: el peso chileno rebota a medida que aumentan los precios del cobre; Peso mexicano respaldado con datos

    * Copper boosted by planned labor strikes at Chile mines
    * Mexican economy grew more in Q1 than first estimated
    * Brazil's Gol rises, says domestic air travel outlook

 (Adds comments, bullets, details; Updates prices throughout)
    By Susan Mathew and Shreyashi Sanyal
    May 26 (Reuters) - Chile's peso rebounded on Wednesday from
a two-day decline as copper prices rose on a planned labor
strike at the world's biggest copper mine, while stronger
economic growth in Mexico supported its peso.
    The Chilean currency added 0.5% against the dollar
after a union representing workers at BHP Group's
Escondida and Spence copper mines rejected the company's
contract offer and urged members to walk off the job from
Thursday, threatening already low global supplies of the red
    "Copper-producing countries are likely to increase taxation
on miners, with Chile having already proposed substantially
higher royalties," analysts at Deutsche Bank wrote in a client
    MSCI's index of EM currencies dipped 0.1%,
while Mexico's peso rose 0.2% to 19.880 per dollar. 
    Data released on Wednesday showed Mexico's economy grew
faster in the first quarter than earlier estimated as the
country slowly recovers from its sharpest contraction since the
    "We estimate a better performance of GDP from (the second
quarter onwards), mainly driven by the expansion of the U.S.
economy, as domestic demand should remain on a more gradual
recovery trend; we thus maintain our 2021 GDP growth forecast at
5.1%," said strategists at Citi Research. 
    The upcoming midterm elections in Mexico may cause "noise"
but the peso exchange rate was expected to remain stable in the
range of 19.9 to 20.1 to the dollar, Mexican Deputy Finance
Minister Gabriel Yorio said on Tuesday.
    Brazil's real rose 0.5%. Late on Tuesday, Brazil's
Economy Minister said the local economy might grow by as much 5%
this year.
    The real is down almost 2.3% this year, with concerns about
fiscal spending being one of the main factors weighing on
    Meanwhile, a Reuters poll showed Brazil's equity market is
on course for its second slowest year since 2015 as the
coronavirus pandemic continues unabated in Latin America's
biggest economy.
    Sao Paulo's benchmark equity index was up 0.6%, with
airline Gol rising 6% after it cited an improvement
in May domestic ticket sales, driven by advances in Brazil's
COVID-19 vaccination program.
    Smaller rival Azul SA topped the index. A source
told Reuters Azul had approached Chile's bankrupt LATAM Airlines
Group with the aim of buying its Brazilian operation.

    Peru's sol fell 0.8% to a new low with less than two
weeks to go before a second round of presidential elections.
Recent polls show front-runner and socialist Pedro Castillo with
a growing lead over business-friendly conservative Keiko
    Colombia's peso eased its fall as oil prices
steadied, while the stock index was flat with oil
major Ecopetrol hitting three-week lows. 
    Ecopetrol on Wednesday said social unrest in Colombia over
tax reforms had adversely impacted its operations. 

    Key Latin American stock indexes and currencies at 1914 GMT:
        Stock indexes                 Latest    Daily %
 MSCI Emerging Markets                 1352.36     0.51
 MSCI LatAm                            2470.75     0.71
 Brazil Bovespa                      123750.95     0.62
 Mexico IPC                           49123.21     0.61
 Chile IPSA                            4099.85     0.22
 Argentina MerVal                     56426.07    0.363
 Colombia COLCAP                       1190.99    -1.06
            Currencies                Latest    Daily %
 Brazil real                            5.3122     0.47
 Mexico peso                           19.8800     0.17
 Chile peso                              729.1     0.66
 Colombia peso                         3740.75    -0.09
 Peru sol                               3.8528    -0.83
 Argentina peso (interbank)            94.4800    -0.21
 Argentina peso (parallel)                 152     0.66
 (Reporting by Susan Mathew and Shreyashi Sanyal in Bengaluru;
Editing by Jane Merriman and Richard Chang)